Chandrayaan 3.. All updates Are Here..

In Short

  • Chandrayaan-3’s propulsion module comes with an exciting new experiment called SHAPE
  • Chandrayaan-3’s propulsion module comes with an exciting new experiment called SHAPE
  • Two important instruments called RAMBHA and Langmuir probe (LP) have also been sent to the Moon

By Manish Purohit: Chandrayaan-3 is on its way to the Moon after leaving Earth’s orbit and beginning its trans-lunar journey. The spacecraft is expected to arrive in the Moon’s sphere of influence on August 5.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is tracking the spacecraft and maintaining constant communication with the probe as it hurtles through the vacuum of space at speeds of over 38,000 kilometers per hour.

The spacecraft is expected to land on the surface of the Moon on August 23, as Isro has said. The lunar mission will target the southern polar region of the Moon, which is a rich reserve for science, and multiple studies and a spectacular suit of instruments are headed to this unexplored world.

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